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Inauguration party at the school of Sed El Boushrieh, Mount Lebanon, Beirut

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABeirut, 20th of June On the 20th of June it was held the inauguration party for the renovation works carried out at the school in Sed El Boushrieh, within the project “Support for schools of Wadi Al Arayesh and Ain Kfarzabad (Zahle) to ensure a fair access to quality education on the part of the victims of the Syrian crisis students”, funded by the Italian Cooperation.

The event was attended by about 70 people including pupils, parents and teachers. During the meeting, the director of the school explained to those present the results obtained, thanking ICU and the Italian Cooperation and hoping that the cooperation will continue in the future.

Some of the attendees also expressed their satisfaction with the work done and the desire to continue to cooperate in the future.


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