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 - 2010


Overview: 1) In order to support a medium/long term development, the project aims at providing support to farmers in the Akkar region for increasing the yield of olive trees and producing olive oil. The initiative is focused on the cultivation of olive, the chain of processing and marketing of oil....

Supporting farmers in the region of Akkar for increasing the yield of the olive groves and production of olive oil


1) In order to support a medium/long term development, the project aims at providing support to farmers in the Akkar region for increasing the yield of olive trees and producing olive oil. The initiative is focused on the cultivation of olive, the chain of processing and marketing of oil.


  • rehabilitation of buildings (design, construction, supervision and inspection): local and adjoining mill, meeting room and adjoining facilities, greenhouses, outdoor, North Lebanon Italian Cooperation Center;
  • supply and installation of a two-phase oil mill with a capacity of kg/h 500;
  • supply and installation of stainless steel containers of a capacity of l 500 each one;
  • delivery of 1,000 boxes in pvc for collection and transportation of olives and 1 digital scale;
  • supply and installation of equipment for laboratory analysis and providing chemical reagents;
  • provision of furniture for meeting room;
  • supply of two hot-beds and of a system to make the climate (temperature and humidity) of greenhouse constant and ideal for an annual production of 9,000 seedlings;
  • renovation of a glass greenhouse of sq 50;
  • training courses on management issues, extension and technical analysis, training and dissemination of new practices for 100 farmers, training of mechanics for the maintenance of the mills and farm machinery.


  • completed the renovation of the old buildings of El Abdeh Lari center (provided with new capacity of crushing of olives and with modern systems for the production of extra virgin olive oil);
  • hot bed for nursery and greenhouse fog system supplied;
  • training courses on management and technical issues;
  • training and dissemination of new practices for farmers (production certified plants);
  • training for the use of laboratory equipment.

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