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Coverage of transportation costs and delivery of school supplies in the schools of Ain Kfarzabad and Wadi Al Arayesh, Zahle, Lebanon

img-20161004-wa0002September 16, 2016 – ICU has completed the activity of coverage of school transportation costs for the most needy pupils of schools of Ain Kfarzabad and Wadi Al Arayesh within the project Support for schools of Wadi Al Arayesh and Ain Kfarzabad (Zahle) to ensure a fair access to quality education on the part of the students victim of the Syrian crisis “, funded by the Italian Cooperation.
The beneficiaries were selected based on the level of vulnerability, determined through questionnaires and direct visits to the families, and based on the distance of their dwellings from the school buildings.
In total, 207 children (101 families) have benefited from the coverage of the cost of school transportation.
In addition, school supplies including, among other things, pens, pencils, notebooks, pencil cases and colors were purchased and distributed among all the children attending the two schools, with greater attention to the most vulnerable families.
304 students received school supplies from the project.


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