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Webinar to launch the Paolo Dieci Award

premio Paolo DieciTwo years ago, on March 10th 2019, from the skies over Addis Ababa a Boeing 737 Max crashed to the ground. 157 people died, of 33 different nationalities. Among the 8 Italian victims there was PAOLO DIECI, president of CISP and of the Link 2007 network of international cooperation and humanitarian aid organisations.

A life dedicated to the development of peoples, spent in particular between Italy and sub-Saharan Africa. Paolo was one of the most lucid and tireless protagonists of international cooperation for development. He made dialogue with social and institutional realities his hallmark, communicating and receiving values.

In memory of Paolo and his commitment to peace, the rights of every person, and cooperation between peoples in building solid partnerships, Link 2007, Le Réseau and CISP established the “Paolo Dieci Award for Partnership between Civil Society Organisations and Diasporas”.

On Wednesday March 10th, in a Zoom webinar at 5pm, we will remember Paolo and launch the call for applications for the Prize, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Paolo Dieci Award Presentation, Zoom Webinar
Tue 10, 2021 17:00 Rome
Meeting ID: 965 6591 9772
Passcode: 323216

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