 - 2015


Session of dance therapy Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the serious humanitarian crisis affecting the Syrian people. The country has always been a place of refuge for refugees from neighboring countries; however, at present, the refugee flows are so consistent that are hard testing the resilience of the...

100 feet to walk toward peace


Session of dance therapy

Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the serious humanitarian crisis affecting the Syrian people. The country has always been a place of refuge for refugees from neighboring countries; however, at present, the refugee flows are so consistent that are hard testing the resilience of the Jordanian health facilities, and reception facilities. The country in fact, granting refugees the same essential services as is accorded to its citizens, is no longer able to guarantee an adequate level of its services.

Our project is addressed in particular to the health sector, where the services provided are inadequate compared to the real needs.

This is especially true in the north of the country (Irbid) and in big cities like Amman (where he provided expert assistance), where tmost of the refugees living outside the camps go (which are more than 70% of those in country).

In particular, due to the arrival of refugees from the conflict, the surgical requirements and trauma have increased; between such interventions there is treatment for amputees.

The problem of amputations is particularly relevant in Jordan, where there is a high number of maimed (over 3,000).

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the resilience of host communities in Jordan compared to the influx of Syrian refugees, in the health sector.

The specific objective is to improve the responsiveness of the Jordanian national health system in relation to the treatment, and social integration, of people amputated from the Syrian refugee community, and from the host Jordanian community, in Amman, and Irbid.

The expected results are:

1) Improve the physical and psychological health of 100 amputees (50 Syrian refugee communities and 50 of the Jordanian host communities).

2) Improve responsiveness of rehabilitation centers,and psychological support, Al Bader Princess Basma of Amman and Irbid.

icona_2 (1) Project video


icona_2 (1)The Italian Minister Gentiloni inaugurates the prosthetic facilities realized by ICU in Jordan

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