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Kurdistan Iracheno
 - 2016


Ahmed, the first patient in Kurdistan to undergo Bone Marrow Transplant Iraq is one of the most affected countries by the serious crisis in the Middle East region, and is home to more than 1.2 million internally displaced and 220,000 Syrian refugees. Most of these refugees, and about half of the...

Response to the humanitarian emergency in Iraqi Kurdistan. Improving supply and inclusiveness of dell’Hiwa hospital services Sulaymaniyah against the increase of disabling hematological diseases


Ahmed, the first patient in Kurdistan to undergo Bone Marrow Transplant

Iraq is one of the most affected countries by the serious crisis in the Middle East region, and is home to more than 1.2 million internally displaced and 220,000 Syrian refugees. Most of these refugees, and about half of the displaced, are hosted in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, which is facing an increase of over 10 percent of its population. The refugee flows are so significant to put a strain on the resilience of the country’s structures, which in fact find it increasingly difficult to ensure an adequate level of services to visiting the community and to those hosts.

Our project is aimed at the health sector, as part of the secondary and tertiary health. Stimulated by the demand for help from dell’Hiwa Sulemania Cancer Hospital, the most important structure of the province, and the second oncology hospital in the country for number of patients, ICU has carried out a feasibility study which included both the technical and organizational aspects, collaborating with managers and local staff.

The project has as general objective improving health services dell’Hiwa Cancer Hospital in Suleimania and start the TMO activities for Iraqi Kurds patients, refugees and displaced persons, with inherited, and acquired disorders of the hematopoietic system (thalassemia leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma).

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