within the wider objective of the ROSS Emergency Program (MFA), the project’s objective is to strengthen and develop the industry of olive oil in Southern Lebanon by improving the production capacity of 11 oil producers’ cooperatives ( Taibeh, Tebnin, Srifa, Cana, Nabatieh, Yohmor, Zawtar Al Ghabiyeh, Rmeich, Deir Aamess, Chama) in terms of quality and quantity of oil produced and strengthen their ability to market by consolidating the results achieved in ROSS-ICU projects in the same field and area of intervention.
– feasibility study for a common market grouping of cooperatives;
– technical training on the cultivation of olives in its various aspects and technical assistance;
– creation, launch and follow up of teams of pruners, pruning delivery kits;
– training and follow-up to improve the management of the mills;
distribution of technical training for the introduction and dissemination of good practices, development of technical brochures;
– training on the able Olives particularly addressed to women;
– creation of a common laboratory for oil analysis;
– good storage capacity increase;
– promotion of good extra virgin oil, participation in promotional events;
– distribution of 122 stainless steel containers of which 12 of the capacity of 500 liters and 110 of the capacity of 150 liters;
– creation of a youth micro-enterprise for the production and marketing of stainless steel containers for food
(supply of materials and equipment, technical training, management and marketing);
– planning and execution of the work necessary for the reconstruction and extension of a section of sewer in
the Municipality of Qana.
– production capacity of olive oil of cooperatives increased;
– improved the quality of the oil produced by the cooperatives involved and development of trade capacity of
– storage capacity of olive oil improved;
– establishment of local production capacity for the supply of stainless steel containers for storage of olive oil;
– a section of sewer in the Municipality of Qana rehabilitated.