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The Final Conference of the WSWC Project.

On February 9, in the ‘Sala Serpieri’ of INEA in Rome, the final conference of the project WSWC was held – “Water Scarcity and Water Cooperation in the Mediterranean: university and students courses regarding  education on development for a new water culture from the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013”.

Dr. Barbara Cosentino, WSWC Project Coordinator welcomed the guests and highlighted briefly the project essence. The conference opened with the initial greetings of the General Director of INEA Laura Proietti, the President of ICU  Giovanni Diana, Councillor from MAECI Antonino Claudio Cascio  and Dr. Anibaldi from Monserrate Foundation, partner of the project.

During the morning an example of what has been achieved during the seminars at the Italian Universities and high schools has been given to participants.

In the first part of the event, professors from the University of Tuscia, Florence and Rome Tre participating in the project have highlighted the importance of water conservation and water management. Afterwards, Eng. Bonetti from ICU presented IRWA, ENSIAP and ACCBAT projects implemented in Mediterranean basin aimed at improving water resources management in Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia.

During the second session, students and graduates involved in WSWC project in Lebanon and Jordan prsented their experience to the public showing the results of their research periods in these countries.

Students from the Emilio Sereni Agricultural Institute in Rome, professors and students from Roma Tre and Tuscia Universities, agronomists, FAO representatives and other people interested in the topic participated to the event.

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