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Training of about 200 farmers on pilot irrigation, drip irrigation and fertigation in the project ACCBAT in Tunisia.

In April, two series of theoretical and practical training for farmers, in the framework of the ACCBAT project have been realized by ICU in Tunisia in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture.

The first training session was carried out on 14 and 15 April 2015 addressing the issues of needs in water of different crops, the pilot irrigation and localized irrigation. The second session on fertigation techniques, took place on April 21 and 28, 2015.

The training was held at the Centre de Formation Professionnelle sectoriel en Mécanique Naval de Kelibia and at the Lycée sectoriel de Formation Professionnelle Agricole en agrumiculture et viticulture de Bouchrik.

Additional training for farmers will be held in the coming months.

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